COVid-19 policy

In preparation for opening we have been working hard to transform our procedures to ensure that the salon is safe for everyone. Things within the salon have changed in accordance with the government guidelines. To provide a safe environment for all, we have updated many of our salon procedures until further notice. We thank you in advance for your full support in these new changes. These will allow us to continue to provide services in a way that supports the health and wellbeing of our staff and all clients in our space. 


Cancellation policy requires 24 hours notice prior to you appointment to allow your stylist the time to contact clients on the waitlist. 

*All cancellations due to illness during COVID-19 will not require you to adhere to our cancellation policy. If you are ill with a fever, cough, or other COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have been exposed to anyone with symptoms or who has tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment in 14 days.

Please read the following before booking and attending your appointment. 

  • Please wait in your car or outside until your stylist texts you to come in. This ensures that our salon stays at the mandated 25% capacity.

  • You must wear an ear loop style mask to your appointment.

  • Your temperature will be taken when you arrive for your appointment.  Please understand that if you arrive exhibiting any symptoms of illness, or have a fever of 100.4 or higher, you will be rescheduled.

  • If you are a high risk client please contact your stylist and we will book you as the first client of the day. 

  • To keep the salon as safe as possible and to minimize the amount of air-flow in our salon, we are temporarily unavailable to provide blowouts and blow-dry services. In lieu of blowouts, we will offer Olaplex leave-in masks to help nourish and strengthen your hair. Wet styling is also allowed. 

  • Please reschedule if you are exhibiting any allergy, cold, flu, or Covid-19 symptoms. You must have at least 72 hours of no fever without the use of fever reducers.

  • Likewise, we kindly require you to reschedule if you have experienced any of these symptoms within 14 days of your upcoming appointment.

  • Please understand that if you arrive exhibiting any symptoms of illness, or have a fever of 100.4 or higher, you will be rescheduled.

  • To minimize our risk, kindly reschedule if you are currently caring for someone with an illness. 

  • We are unable to accommodate walk-in product sales at this time.

  • Some salon services will be unavailable for a period of time due to safety and time constraints. Our normal services will resume in the future.

    To protect our clients:

    • All members of our staff will have their temperature taken upon arrival for their shift and be continually screened for illness.

    • Stylists will wear masks at all times, and face shields while shampooing or doing makeup services. 

    • Stylists will not share tools and will completely disinfect their workspace between each guest.

    • Our salon will always be at 25% capacity of salon max capacity. 

    • All bowls will be disinfected between use. 

    • Appointment start times have been staggered to prevent congestion. We kindly ask that you wait in your car until we text you and are ready for your appointment. 

    • The waiting area has been removed. There will be seating outside for clients that walk to their appointment. 

    • Disinfection of stations will take place after every service. 

    • At the end of the day, all areas will be cleaned and disinfected.